Thursday, April 2, 2009

Help Me Find a Sci-Fi Book Title...

So I was on Facebook, and enjoyed doing the Top 5 Sci-Fi Books list that I have enjoyed. Tea from an Empty Cup and Robots of Dawn are in a class by themselves for me.

Anyway, in doing this, I was trying to remember a book I read as a youngster that I remember really enjoying, but I can't remember the darn title. I am not sure if it is a well-regarded book or it is viewed as junk. I think the book, at least when I read it, was yellow-ish and vaguely remember some greenish as part of either a character in the book or just in general.
Here's the thing - as much as I remember liking it, the plot details are sketchy at best.

I can't remember if it was an alien or a robot, or generic creature, but the main character guy had to help him get to caves or mountains or something (no, it's not Escape to Witch Mountain). I remember a save-humanity from themselves kind of theme, and he was
a guardian-ish type.

I do remember the last 'scene' a bit better, but not well. The 'guardian' makes it back in time to 'retire' or something along those lines, and the main character sees a wall of others just like him, waiting for their time to protect humanity.

Any ideas, pleeeeeeeease?

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